October 2016 Klassen Blog

Blog October 2016

As we prepare for our fall and winter schedule, we reflect our fantastic year, to date.

As usual, we spent our first three months in New Zealand again. We continue to love our time there, and hope we can return for some years to come.

The spring was busy with getting our homes and our toys ship shape so we could enjoy them.

Kathy and I were both able to visit our grandchildren in Winnipeg last May and June, respectively. They are doing wonderfully, and parents Ken and Linda are doing an amazing job raising them.

Our eldest granddaughter, Taylor, was able to take a YWAM program that took her to Nepal. It was a game changer for her. She really had her eyes opened there, and was able to do a very effective job with her mission there. Very proud of her.

The summer, as usual, was spent on our MV Klasact 1, and by enlarge had a different couple with us each week. Great way to catch up with good friends and family. Excellent summer.

Daughter Kim from Arizona, and her two children visted us in June, and we were able to spoil them all. We have not seen her home for many years, so we were very pleased to see her and our grandchildren.

September was our motorhome week. We decided to take 3 weeks in the lower mainland Vancouver and the Fraser Valley to visit old friends that were well overdue. It was a great time to see many folks, many that we have not seen for too long.

The last week of September, we took our 8th cruise to Alaska. Why so many, you say? We just love getting on in Vancouver, and getting off in Vancouver. We don't do any excursions on this cruise any longer. We just go for the ride and get spoiled. It is a great way for us to recover from a busy summer.

So, in the next weeks, we will be heading back to Palm Springs.

Hope you are all well.

Ed and Kathy